Topsail Beach News

Temporary Interruption to Water Service

Customers Impacted: Everyone north of Davis Ave

Customers north of Davis Ave may be experience low water pressure throughout the afternoon...

Recycling Center Dumpster Removal – Effective April 15

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve waste management and enhance our community’s recycling program, the Town of Topsail Beach has transitioned...

Paid Parking in South End Lot Starts March 1st and Public Beach Accesses April 1st

At the February Board of Commissioners Meeting, Commissioners voted to implement paid parking...

Mayor Morton Blanchard Obituary and Celebration of Life

Born in 1951, Errol Morton Blanchard, was the son of OC Blanchard, JR and Jean Morton Blanchard, youngest brother of Charlie and Susan. He grew up working...

Water Maintenance Scheduled for First Week in March

The Town of Topsail Beach will be conducting essential maintenance on its water system beginning Monday, March 3, 2025. As part of this effort, Well...

TI Coastal Inlet Charts - UPDATED

For the most recent survey of Banks Channel released by our coastal engineers (TI Coastal) please click :

Dredging in Banks Channel

Due to the Surf City beach nourishment project there will be dredge work within Banks Channel from Trout Ave to...



Upcoming Events

Wed 3/26 9:00 AM
Budget Workshop 2

The Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners will meet for a Budget Workshop at the Topsail Beac...

Wed 3/26 2:00 PM
Planning Board Meeting (Note Schedule Change)

The Topsail Beach Planning Board meeting will be held at the Topsail Beach Town Hall at...

Mon 3/31 1:30 PM
Special Meeting: Public Safety Building

The Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting on the Public Safety Buildin...

Tue 4/1 2:00 PM
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting

The Topsail Beach Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held at the Topsail Beach ...

Tue 4/8 9:00 AM
Budget Workshop 3

The Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners will meet for a Budget Workshop at the Topsail Beac...

Wed 4/9 6:00 PM
Regular Town Board Meeting

The Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners meeting will be held at the Topsail Beach Town Hall at 8...

Community Connection

Additional Information

For flood prevention information, please visit:
Flood Information

For emergency updates, please visit:
Emergency Information

To contact a Board or Committee, please visit: Boards and Committees Contact Form

For any additional Town information please complete the following form: Public Records Request

      Topsail Island Shoreline Protection Commission

Resilient Coastal Communities Program

The Town of Topsail beach does not sell, rent or distribute any information to third parties.