At the May 8, 2024, Board of Commissioners meeting, the Town Board unanimously voted to move forward with introducing a curbside recycling program. Therefore, the Town of Topsail Beach is excited to announce our new curbside recycling program beginning Monday January 6th, 2025. Each household that pays for monthly trash service will receive a recycling cart and will see the cost of recycling on your water bill increase of $9/month (from $5/month to $14/month).
The Town has started our Curbside Recycling. Pickups are scheduled for every Monday and should be put out at the same time as your trash cart. Please remember DO NOT BAG your recycling, the plastic garbage bags are nor considered recyclable. If your cart is not pick up you may receive an "oops" tag, meaning you cart has items that are not considered recyclable. The recycling center will still be available for use, if needed.

Your recycling cart may not be picked up if it contains anything that is considered not recyclable. You may find an “OOPS” tag affixed to your cart that will alert you as to why your cart was not picked up: