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At the February Board of Commissioners Meeting, Commissioners voted to implement paid parking at the following oceanfront public accesses:

#5 Barwick Ave, #6 Rocky Mount, #7 Empie Ave, #8 Haywood Ave, #9 Davis Ave, #10 Crews Ave, #11 Hines Av, #12 Scott Ave, #13 Crocker Ave, #14 Darden Ave, #15 Smith Ave.

Paid Parking at these oceanfront accesses will begin April 1st this year and March 1st each year after.

    • Where in Topsail Beach is Paid Parking required?
      • The south-end parking lot on the sound side (next to the Serenity Point Townhomes – at the end of Shore Line Dr and Inlet Dr).  Additionally, oceanfront access #5 Barwick Ave, #6 Rocky Mount, #7 Empie Ave, #8 Haywood Ave, #9 Davis Ave, #10 Crews Ave, #11 Hines Av, #12 Scott Ave, #13 Crocker Ave, #14 Darden Ave, #15 Smith Ave.  Paid Parking is only in effect March 1st to October 31st between the hours of 9am and 5pm and only at certain designated parking lots where paid parking signage is present.  There are 3 ways to pay for parking on the SurfCAST system:
        • Download the “SurfCAST by Otto” app, setup your account, register your vehicle, and pay for parking (HERE for iPhone and HERE for Android)

        • Scan the QRcode on the Parking signs to link to a Secure website … follow the prompts to pay for parking

        • Call the Otto Connect team at 910-200-1497… you will need to provide your email, phone number, License plate/tag number, state of registration, and a Credit or Debit card.

  • Can I buy a parking permit in advance?
    • No, Parking Permits go active immediately at the time of purchase
  • Can I reserve a parking space?

    • No, Parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis

  • Can I park with a different car each time I park?

    • Yes, just enter the license plate / tag number and state of registration on the PARK page

    • The system will remember previous vehicles entered

  • My phone won’t allow me to download the app.

    • If you have an older phone (iPhone using IOS versions prior to V14.0 or Android 6 or earlier)

      1. Scan the QRcode for link to a secure website for registration and payment, or

      2. Call Otto Connect at 910-200-1497

  • I don’t have a cellular signal to download the app – it takes too long

    • Call Otto Connect at 910-200-1497

  • How can I contact someone to get help?

    • Email Otto Connect at:   [email protected]

    • Call Otto Connect at 910-200-1497 between 9:00am and 5:00pm any day

  • How is parking enforcement done – will I get a sticker?

    • Parking enforcement is done via scanning license plates for valid permits on the SurfCAST system. 

    • There are no stickers required.

  • Can I use more than one mobile device?

    • Yes, you can login to multiple devices using the same credentials (email and password).

  • Can I register my car on two or more accounts?

    • Yes

  • What are the Parking Rates for Topsail Beach?

    • $6 per hour for up to 4 hours

    • $30 per day

  • How much is a parking citation?

    • Parking violations are $50. 

    • If paid the same day as the violation – the fee is reduced to $25 (but use of this feature is limited to 3 times)

    • If not paid within 30 days, your citation will be referred to the Police Dept. for collection.

  • What if I don’t have a smart phone?

    • Call Otto Connect at:   910-200-1497

    • You will need the following information:

      • Your email and phone number

      • License Plate / Tag number and State of Registration

      • Credit or Debit Card

  • Can I change my password?

    • To change your password, go to Settings, Profile – and proceed to change.

  • What if I forget my password?

    • On the app – select “Forgot Password”, enter your email, and a notice will be sent to allow you to create a new password.

  • How do I change/correct my license plate / tag number or state?

    • If it is entered on the Park page – just correct it the next time you park

    • If it is a Saved Vehicle on the app: Go to Settings > Vehicles > Edit

  • I paid for parking – but still received a parking violation notice

    • This is usually caused by an incorrect License Plate entry in the app – either the number or the state of registration.  To get the violation voided:

      • Send a request to Otto Connect ([email protected]) from the email used to register the account (for permit validation), explain the issue, send a photo of the violation notice (at a minimum, they will need the license plate number and citation number to investigate and confirm your permit).  They will investigate, void the violation as appropriate, and confirm back.

      • At your earliest convenience, you should go on the app and correct the license plate information via Settings > Vehicles > Edit.

    • If you believe there were other extenuating circumstances – please send a request and explanation to Otto Connect support ([email protected]).  They will investigate and respond as quickly as possible.

  • Is Handicap Parking free?

    • Yes – with limitations.  A vehicle displaying a handicap license plate and/or hangtag parked in a designated handicap space is free.  Any other parking space will require a parking permit via the app.

  • Can I use an iPad or Android Tablet – or does it need to be a smart phone?

    • Yes, an iPad or iPhone with iOS v14.x will work (does not work on iPhone 6 or earlier and equivalent iPads)

    • Yes, an Android based tablet or smart phone will work back to Version 6.