Due to the Surf City beach nourishment project there will be dredge work within Banks Channel from Trout Ave to the Bend (with ideal conditions this work may be conducted 24/7) within the same channel as created for the Topsail Beach beach nourishment project. They will NOT be dredging along the docks on Carolina Ave or in the commercial channel by Bush’s Marina. North of Queens Grant they will be dredging roughly 20’ off the end of the docks. The dredge won’t be anywhere close to any seawalls. Additionally, they are NOT harvesting any of the sandbars. The environmental window requires dredging to be finished by 3/23 in order to have pipe off the beach by 4/1.
The Surf City website will be updated every Friday with maps showing channel and beach work completed as well as projected over the next few weeks. Please click HERE for a link to their Beach Nourishment Page.
One thing to note, when the dredge turns north, they will be pulling the navigational buoys. The coast guard will put them back in April/May.